Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Why We Didn't Include Shark Attacks

When we first set out to make The Shark Con, it really was just about finding what was behind the entire shark situation. In the last couple of years the eco-films have had a slew of one-sided green movies and we wanted to know what was going on with the other side. This as you can imagine has caused a bit of an uproar, but we still stand behind our decision. Through the course of our interviews we learned quite a lot (from both sides of the issue) and we felt the information trumped the sex appeal of shark attacks.

Shark attacks are easily why people believe sharks sell. We briefly spoke with George Burgess of the International Shark Attack File, about said attacks, but quickly moved on to what we thought were more pressing issues. As it turned out (and no surprise to us) other people we interviewed were very much against the International Shark Attack File and felt that it’s interpretation of unprovoked vs. provoked attacks was only used to help keep the shark as a charismatic species.

All in all some of our sources briefly mention shark attacks but not once do we really explore them in depth. Shark Week has done a fine job of that for years and we feel that they can keep up their good work without us getting in their way.

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